Scientific Meeting | Saturday, April 28, 2018 | Venue: Arbutus Club
2001 Nanton Avenue, Vancouver, B.C.
Part 1: The Experience of Being Envied
The experience and consequences of being envied are described, and envy is defined as an action, similar to the action of projective identification, rather than being an emotion. The need for an internal (an intact enough observing ego) or external witness to counter envy is discussed.
Part 2: The Many Hazards of Psychoanalysis
The practice of psychoanalysis is dangerous for us and for our analysands — envious attacks are one particular instance, and there are many others. The denial of the danger is alarmingly widespread among us and increases the risks; awareness of the dangers allows for the possibility that the dangers may be diminished. Mitigating measures include self care — much rarer than one might expect — which in turn includes a trusted fellow traveler.
Angela Sheppard is a Supervising and Training Analyst of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and Institute who has published in the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis and the Journal of Melanie Klein & Object Relations. She was awarded the Citation of Merit from the C.P.S. in 2015. She maintains a psychoanalytic practice in London, Ontario.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this program/session/event participants will be able to:
1. To recognize the effects of an envious attack on ourselves and on our analysands, and to be able to follow the process once envy has been named.
2. To be aware of the many dangers in psychoanalysis for us and for our analysands.
3. To suggest ways of mitigating these dangers.
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Karin Holland Biggs, Ph.D., FIPA. (Chair), Celine Brouillette, R. Psych, Elizabeth Wallace, MD, FIPA.
For further information please contact Program Chair: Karin Holland Biggs –