Abstract: This seminar explores the linking functions of love, hate and curiosity. As humans, we are interdependent with others all of our lives. This interdependency keeps us physically vital, emotionally thriving and intellectually active. When early trauma occurs, dependency becomes dangerous and interdependency is avoided. Development then becomes spotty, with excellence in some areas and deficits in others, due to the lack of object relational constancy. Many of our traumatized patients, who are successful professionally, have failed personal relationships. They seem unable to access the linking emotions of love, hate and curiosity. Instead, they often mimic relationship and use words about words instead of words expressing emotion. Without access to their emotional lives, their ability to think and to dream is also compromised.
image credit Artist: Frieda Kahlo | Love Embrace of the Universe | 1949
Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD FIPA is an IPA certified training and supervising psychoanalyst and a licensed child psychologist. She is a full faculty member and former president of Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society & Institute, a full faculty member of Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and of COR Northwest Family Development Center. She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters and of two books: Trauma & Primitive Mental States, An Object Relations Perspective and Bion and Primitive Mental States. Her third book: Bion’s Emotional Links: Love, Hate and Curiosity is nearing completion. She practices in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Learning Objectives: After this presentation, participants can expect to:
- Participants will be able to differentiate affects from emotions from feelings.
- Participants will be able to recognize primitive affects that arise to interfere with the ability to think.
- Participants will differentiate counter-transference response origination from repressed material from resonance and personal affective/emotional responses to primitive material that has not been repressed or split off.
Readings **Reading will be distributed upon registration. To be read prior to the event.**
Eekhoff, J. “Love, Hate and Curiosity: Bion’s Model of the Development of the Mind” Chap 2. in Bion’s Emotional Links: Love, Hate and Knowledge. In press
Registration closed. For inquires please contact: info@wcpsi.digitalswan.com