2021 Ethics Series | Seminar 1: Consenting and Assenting to Psychoanalytic Work | May 15

The moment is opportune for a renewed look at what we understand about patient consent [...]

Transformations in Negative Therapeutic Reaction | April 24

Negative therapeutic reaction, a term coined by Freud (1923) to describe the patient’s abrupt and [...]

Our Proto-Mental « We » Or Awakening to an Attitude of Implication with Cecilia Taiana, Ph.D. FIPA | January 2021

Psychoanalysts often speak of the infant-mother unit as a model; in this “we” of the [...]

Protected: ASM 2020: The Aftermath of Trauma – Evaluation

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2020 Annual Scientific Conference: Aftermath of Trauma | Howard Levine, Judy Eekhoff, Dominique Scarfone | October 30-31, 2020 ONLINE

The Western Branch of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society presents 2020 Annual Scientific Conference“Aftermath of Trauma” [...]

Rescuing Conscience from the Moralistic Superego | November 28, 2020

WBCPS presents the Quarterly Scientific Meeting #4 “Rescuing Conscience from the Moralistic Superego: Notes on [...]

VICTORIA: Boundaries and Boundary Violations in the Therapeutic Settings | September 2020

The Victoria chapter of the Western Branch Course Committee is pleased to offer a series [...]

Victoria: The Infantile | October 2020 – June 2021

The Victoria chapter of the Western Branch Course Committee is pleased to offer a series [...]

VANCOUVER: Boundaries and Boundary Violations in the Child and Adult Therapeutic Settings | September 2020

The Western Branch CPS Course Committee (Vancouver) is pleased to offer a series of four [...]

Vancouver: The Infantile in Analysis: Regression and Healing | January – May 2021

The Vancouver chapter of the Western Branch Course Committee is pleased to offer a series [...]