The Body as a Mode of Representation | May 7, 2016
The Body as a Mode of Representation The Dr. Elmor Smit Memorial Lecture Judy Eekhoff, [...]
Monsters Incorporated: The Internalization of Very Bad Objects – Superego Pathology and Hysteria | Saturday, November 21, 2015
Monsters Incorporated: The Internalization of Very Bad Objects And Their Role in Superego Pathology and [...]
Minding the Body | Victoria and Vancouver Extension Courses
The course will be held in two separate locations, Vancouver and Victoria, with different dates. [...]
Minding the Body | Victoria | October 2105 to June 2016
The Western Branch CPS faculty is offering a theoretical/clinical course in preparation for the 2016 [...]
Minding the Body | Vancouver | September 2015 to March 2016
The Western Branch CPS faculty is offering a theoretical/clinical course in preparation for the 2016 [...]
Psychoanalysing Authoritarism: Trauma and the Difficult Question of Freedom | Monday May 4th, 2015
PUBLIC LECTURE Speakers: Jonathan Sklar & Jay Frankel | Chair: Christopher Fortune Monday, May 4, [...]
Whipped Cream And Other Delights: A Reverie And Its Aftermath | Dr. Paul Steinberg MD, FRCPC | Saturday Jan 24th, 2015
The author reflects on a reverie he had with a patient some years ago, applying [...]
Sailing in Sadomasochistic Waters with Mr. B: Transference / Countertransference Encounters | Nancy Goodman, Ph.D., FIPA | Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Dr. Elmor Smit Memorial Lecture Nancy Goodman, Ph.D., FIPA Nancy Goodman, Ph.D. is a [...]
Annual Scientific Meeting | Ferenczi | J. Sklar | The Psychoanalyst and the Hospital | Sat May 2nd, 2015
Dr. Sklar has been a consulting psychoanalyst to the NHS, for over 20 years. In [...]